Featured Speakers:

  • Steven Martin, US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
  • Rebecca Kihslinger, Environmental Law Institute (ELI)
  • Diane Frisbee, The Nature Conservancy, Virginia Aquatic Resources Trust Fund
  • Steven Collins, The Wetlands Bankgroup

Steven Martin provided an overview of the USACE’s Compensatory Mitigation Program and its requirements. Rebecca Kihslinger explained  the long-term maintenance and funding requirements associated with becoming an in-lieu fee (ILF) sponsor or mitigation bank.  Diane Frisbee explained how the Virginia Aquatic Resources Trust Fund functions as a statewide in-lieu fee sponsor and will provide a case study example of mitigation on private and public land.  Finally, Steven Collins shared case studies of mitigation banks and describe their successes and challenges. The goal of the webinar was to provide the audience with a better understanding of the USACE Compensatory Mitigation Program, as well as, a balanced perspective on the pros and cons of becoming an ILF or mitigation bank.