Colorado River Cleanup Removes 4,620 lbs. of Trash!
The 20th annual Grand Valley River Cleanup, hosted by The Gear Junction in partnership with RiversEdge West and the Grand Valley Paddling Club, saw a tremendous turnout and a wildly successful event. With roughly 90 dedicated participants, this year’s cleanup effort resulted in removing an impressive 4,620 pounds of trash from a 30-mile stretch of the Colorado River in Grand Junction.

Volunteers were divided into five teams, each covering different sections of the river to ensure the entire area was cleaned. Alongside common debris, some unusual items were pulled from the river this year, including three TVs, a Vespa, and a range of other eclectic finds.
Following the cleanup, participants gathered for an appreciation BBQ, where a raffle and prizes were given as a token of gratitude for their hard work.
The Grand Valley River Cleanup continues to be a vital part of keeping the Colorado River clean and enjoyable for all. We forward to building on this success for years to come!