Leading Riverside Restoration
Rivers know no boundary. Jurisdictional boundaries differentiating one county from another, one state from the next, means nothing to a river. While many stakeholders work to repair damaged river corridors, RiversEdge West ensures that these efforts come together to provide the most significant restoration impact possible.
RiversEdge West’s leadership brings resource managers and communities together to address common challenges, leverage resources, build capacity, and collectively implement riverside (riparian) restoration to promote stewardship and long-term success.
RiversEdge West leads the Desert Rivers Collaborative (Colorado and Gunnison Rivers in Mesa County, Colorado), the Dolores River Restoration Partnership (Dolores River in western Colorado and eastern Utah), the White River Partnership (White River in northwest Colorado and northeastern Utah), and restoration on private lands.
RiversEdge West also co-leads the Grand Valley River Corridor Initiative, a community-driven initiative focused on supporting and maintaining a healthy river corridor and the associated needs, uses, and values for future generations.

Supporting Watershed Partnerships
RiversEdge West supports watershed partnerships in the West by providing:
- organizational and strategic planning resources
- technical and science-based restoration guidance to help them succeed on the ground
- conferences, workshops, and webinars that share the latest techniques and findings that make restoration successful
To date, restoration has occurred on thousands of acres including initial tamarisk and Russian olive removal, monitoring and maintenance efforts, revegetation and replanting of sites, and the engagement of thousands of volunteers and students.
RiversEdge West is the glue that holds together riparian restoration in our area. They serve both as a partner and a practical resource, without which organizations like ours could not accomplish watershed-wide projects such as the White River partnership or other watershed wide projects. - Jake Deslauriers, Assistant Director Utah Conservation Corps