IPaC – A One-stop Shop for Environmental Review
Sasha Doss1*
1U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Western Colorado Ecological Services Field Office, Grand Junction, CO, USA; sasha_doss@fws.gov
If you are working on a restoration project and need a species list, survey protocols, an impact analysis, or conservation measures, IPaC is your one-stop shop. IPaC, also known as Information for Planning and Consultation, is an online environmental review platform developed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). IPaC provides information on how certain project types might impact sensitive natural resources and delivers suggestions on how to address those impacts. Although originally developed for Section 7 consultations under the Endangered Species Act, IPaC is available to all – private citizens, NGOs, and state and federal agencies – who need information for environmental review. IPaC includes information on threatened, endangered, and candidate species, migratory birds, wetlands, and USFWS facilities. IPaC delivers species and habitat survey protocols, project design guidelines, species lists, conservation measures and more. In this presentation, I’ll review the types of information available in IPaC and demonstrate how to enter a project. Following the presentation, listeners should understand how to use IPaC and who to contact if they need assistance.