A study subjecting tamarisk from two distinct populations originating from areas with greatly varying soil salinities to a range of different salinities. Results showed dramatic differences between growth with the low salinity population accumulating 72% more biomass when grown at 4 ppt compared to 16 ppt, while the high salinity population produced 50% more biomass when grown at 16 ppt. Additionally, the high salinity population had a lower turgor loss point and exhibited greater stomatal control relative to the low salinity population. These results of local adaptation to increased salinity could have implications for continued tamarisk dominance in aridland riparian ecosystems where drought or water management may lead to increased soil salinities. 

Long, R.W., D'Antonio, C.M., Dudley, T.L. and Hultine, K.R., 2021. Variation in salinity tolerance and water use strategies in an introduced woody halophyte (Tamarix spp.). Journal of Ecology109(11), pp.3807-3817.

Read the article at https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2745.13758.