Habitat for the Future
The third workshop of RiversEdge West's 2023 Workshop Series will take place at the Pima Community College - Desert Vista Campus in Tucson, Arizona on October 13th, 2023.
Pima Community College
Desert Vista Campus
5901 S. Calle Santa Cruz
Tucson, AZ 85709-6000
In this workshop, we'll get into the weeds (pun intended) on climate-resilient riverside habitat. We'll start the day with talks on topics including using animal behavior to inform riparian ecosystem conservation, bird and frog habitat in the Verde River Basin, riparian vegetation response to changing climate conditions and implications for tribal restoration policies, and riparian restoration in the Colorado River Delta.
In the afternoon we will visit the Tohono O’odham Nation, Wa:k Hikdan Riparian Restoration Site, where we'll learn about the ongoing restoration work in the San Xavier District.
View the Agenda.
Click on the underlined text for links to more information.
Cost: $50 - lunch included.
A note about scholarships:
RiversEdge West fosters collaboration across diverse groups to ensure inclusive and engaged riverside communities and stewards. These entities include governments, industries, and water user groups that are comprised of a wide array of socioeconomic backgrounds, ages, and cultures. To that end, we tried to keep the cost of attendance low and are offering a limited number of sponsored scholarships to those lacking financial resources. To apply, please send a short bio including your goals for attending the workshop, no more than 300 words to Nicole at ncook@riversedgewest.org by September 15, 2023. Please include "AZ Workshop Scholarship" in the subject line.
Become a Sponsor:
Sponsorship from businesses, watershed groups, and individuals is critical in allowing RiversEdge to host these gatherings. Sponsors directly support all aspects of the workshop: from scholarships and networking events to the cost of facility rental and lunch.
Learn about sponsor benefits here. To become a sponsor, email Cara at ckukuraitis@riversedgewest.org. Opportunities are available to support the entire workshop series, or individual workshops in a specific location.
RiversEdge West Workshop Background:
RiversEdge West (REW) has been conducting riparian restoration conferences and workshops since 2001. This year, we are hosting a workshop series across the Southwest with the goal of connecting the people managing riparian lands with the techniques, scientific findings, and lessons learned that are vital to ensuring that restoration is successful. These focused and place-based workshops will provide a venue for education, collaboration, and training that address the needs of a particular region.
To view the full 2023 Workshop Series schedule, click here.
If you would like additional information, please email Nicole at ncook@riversedgewest.org.
Thank you to our Sponsors:

Add your name or company here.