Registration is open for RiversEdge West's 18th Annual Riparian Restoration Conference (RRC), to be held at Colorado Mesa University's University Center in Grand Junction, Colorado, February 4-6, 2020.
Hosted in partnership with the Ruth Hutchins Water Center at Colorado Mesa University, the RRC will feature concurrent sessions that cover both research and management topics related to riparian restoration and ecosystem health, with ample opportunities for networking with professionals in the riparian restoration field.
The last two years have sold out - register early
To complete your registration by mail,
please email Cara at ckukuraitis@riversedgewest.org and send a check to:
RiversEdge West, Attn: Cara Kukuraitis
PO Box 1907
Grand Junction, CO 81502

Quick Links:
Agenda (Refresh your browser to view the newest agenda. Click on presentation titles to view associated abstracts, if one was provided.)
Registration Type
(before 1/11/20)
(after 1/11/20)
(15% discount for members who give $120 and above)
Non-Member |
$315 |
$340 |
Student |
$80 |
$100 |
One Day |
$200 |
$225 |
Exhibitor - Business |
$585 |
$610 |
Exhibitor - Nonprofit |
$435 |
$460 |

A room block has been reserved at two hotels in Historic Downtown Grand Junction at the GSA rate of $94/night (pending price change in October). Breakfast buffet, internet access, exercise room, newspaper, pool/spa is complimentary at both hotels.
Tru by Hilton. The online booking code at Tru is REW.
Springhill Suites by Marriott The online booking code at Springhill for one king is REWREWA and for two queens is REWREWB.
Please ask for the RiversEdge West rate when making your reservation. The deadline to reserve your room in the discounted room block is January 11, 2020.
The conference venue (University Center at Colorado Mesa University) is located 1.8 miles from the Downtown Hotels. View transportation options here.
February 4th: Poster Session, Happy Hour, and Silent Auction
Join us for appetizers and drinks at the poster session, happy hour, and silent auction from 5-7 pm!
Discuss with over 25 poster presenters and numerous vendors, catch up with familiar faces, and network with others in your field. Refer to pages 7 and 8 of the Agenda for poster presenters.
Each attendee receives one complimentary beer or non-alcoholic beverage. Cash bar available.
Plus, don't miss the unique art and gear that will be up for grabs during the silent auction on February 4th only! Silent auction bidding will begin at 9 am and end at 6:45 pm during the happy hour and poster session on February 4th.
February 5th: Happy Hour and Fundraiser!
Join us after the conference on February 5th at the Feisty Pint, located in Downtown Grand Junction at 359 Colorado Ave. Let your server know that you are with RiversEdge West and 10% of your bill will be donated to RiversEdge West!
Conference attendees may choose between the following options on day three, February 6th:
- Palisade Insectary and Riverbend Park - Tour and Site Visit - 2 of 30 spaces remaining
- Using Mycorrhizal Fungi in Restoration - Workshop and Site Visit - [SOLD OUT]
- Post-Fire Restoration - Site Visit - [SOLD OUT]
- Collaborative Restoration with Private Lands - Workshop and Panel - 9 of 50 spaces remaining
View detailed field trip and workshop descriptions here.
Continuing Education
The Wildlife Society - 16 credits
The Wildlife Society has approved the Riparian Restoration Conference for 16 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in Category I of the Certified Wildlife Biologist® Renewal/Professional Development Certificate Program.
To receive credit, list these CEUs on your Renewal or Professional Development Certificate application.
Society for Ecological Restoration's Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner (CERP) Program - 8 credits
Attend the following sessions to receive 8 credits towards the CERP program:
Geomorphology and Invasive Vegetation Interactions - February 4th from 1:10 PM - 2:55 PM and 3:20 PM - 5:00 PM
Challenges of Implementing Sustainable Restoration and Mitigation in Highly Dynamic Riverine Ecosystems - February 5th from 8:10 AM - 9:50 AM
Considering Wildlife Studies in Restoration - February 5th from 10:20 AM - 12:00 PM
Frontiers in Understanding and Managing Riparian Invasions - February 5th from 1:00 PM - 2:40 PM and 3:10 PM - 4:50 PM
To receive credit, sign-in at the registration table and initial next to each session you attend.
Society for Range Management
Continuing Education Credits from the Society for Range Management (SRM) are still in the evaluation process. SRM has provided forms to mark the sessions that you attend in order to award (potential) credits once the evaluation process is complete. If you are interested in potential SRM continuing education credits, fill out a form from the desk and submit them to SRM.
Use the Society for Range Management CEU form to mark the conference sessions that you attend.
Mail the form to Society for Range Management after the conference.
Upon review, the Society for Range Management will provide CEU credits.
Colorado Department of Agriculture - 2 credits
Licensed Colorado qualified supervisors, certified operators, and private applicators are eligible to receive 1 credit for Environmental Protection and 1 credit for Industrial and Right of Way for attending 1 of the 2 Frontiers in Understanding and Managing Riparian Invasions sessions on February 5th from 1:00 PM - 2:40 PM and 3:10 PM - 4:50 PM.
You must attend both sessions to get both credits (2 total).
To receive credit, fill out the carbon-copy verification form at the registration table and keep the pink copy.
Free Fundraising Consultations
Strategic By Nature is offering complimentary one-on-one sessions for individuals and groups looking for professional or organizational support! The session is customized to the participant’s needs and can cover topics such as leadership, team dynamics, communication, project outcomes, fundraising, board development and much more.

Formed in 2018 by Stacy Beaugh and Illene Roggensack of Third Sector Innovations, Strategic By Nature provides expertise and support to organizations striving for impact and effective outcomes around land and water resources, and outdoor recreation endeavors.
Stacy is available to meet on-site by appointment during the conference on Tuesday (2/4) and Wednesday (2/5). Please email Stacy directly at stacybeaugh@gmail.com to schedule a time. Space is limited!
Stacy is available to meet on-site by appointment during the conference on Tuesday (2/4) and Wednesday (2/5). Please email Stacy directly at stacybeaugh@gmail.com to schedule a time. Space is limited!
First President's Award
Each year, RiversEdge West awards $500 to a colleague or organization as part of RiversEdge West's First President's Award. This award is given in memory of Pete Larson, RiversEdge West’s first board president, to honor his dedication to restoring natural resources through education, science, and volunteerism.
Nominate a colleague or organization for the First President's Award by filling out the form here! The individual or organizational representative that you nominate must be present at the conference to win.
Email your nomination to Cara at Ckukuraitis@riversedgewest.org before January 27th or submit your nomination form in person to the conference registration table by the end of the afternoon break on Tuesday, February 4th. The winner will be announced during lunch on February 5th.
A light breakfast, morning snack, buffet lunch, and afternoon snack will be provided on February 4th and 5th. Light snacks will be provided during the field trips and workshops on February 6th.
Partner with us at the leading riparian restoration conference in the West.
Your sponsorship and/or exhibit space will directly support all aspects of the conference - from scholarships for students and networking events to the cost of facility rental and meals. Willow Sponsors ($1,000) and above receive complimentary registration(s). Cottonwood Sponsors ($2,500) and above also receive complimentary exhibit space.
To become a sponsor, make an online donation, mail in a check, call us at (970) 256-7400 or email Cara at Ckukuraitis@riversedgewest.org.
Our attendees are taking a leading role in restoring riparian ecosystems and are an important audience for your organization’s message. Your presence as an exhibitor increases your visibility at the 2020 RRC and provides the opportunity to interact with 150-200 restoration-minded professionals from across the West; from land managers and researchers to landowners, non-profits, agencies, and private individuals. In both 2018 and 2019, the RRC sold out with over 200 riparian restoration professionals in attendance. One conference registration is included per exhibit table.
To reserve your exhibit space, select the appropriate exhibitor category during your conference registration.
Miss the call for abstracts deadline? We may still be able to fit your talk on the agenda. Email Cara at Ckukuraitis@riversedgewest.org.
Thanks to the generosity of conference sponsors, a limited number of scholarships are available to cover the cost of registration. Preference will be given to students, private landowners, and employees of nonprofit organizations. Scholarship recipients are required to volunteer a portion of their time either before or during the conference to assist with a variety of conference-related tasks.
To apply, view and complete the scholarship application before December 9, 2019.
What people said about our last conference in 2019:
"[The Riparian Restoration Conference is] one of the most informative and useful conferences I have ever attended in my career in that it brings together scientists, resource managers, and practitioners with ample opportunity to share and discuss information, goals, and methods. Broad range of relevant topics."
"This is the best Riparian Restoration Conference I've been to yet in the 6 or 7 years I've attended, but they've gotten better every year. Through these conferences, I've found an engaged, passionate, scientific community that continues to advance strategies and understanding of the many dimensions of riparian restoration. Amazing, inspiring work!"
"This was one of the most interesting and well-run conferences I have attended in over a year."
Thank You to our 2020 Conference Sponsors:
River Champion sponsors receive three conference registrations, a booth in the Exhibit Hall, and recognition in the Conference Program

Cottonwood sponsors receive two conference registrations, a booth in the Exhibit Hall, and recognition in the Conference Program

Willow sponsors receive one conference registration and recognition in the Conference Program
Seedling sponsors receive recognition in the Conference Program

F A C I L I T Y & A V S U P P O R T
P R O V I D E D B Y:
I N P A R T N E R S H I P W I T H:
B E E R P R O V I D E D B Y:
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