Join us in-person and online for our 20th Anniversary Riparian Restoration Conference and help us celebrate 20 years of innovation, collaboration, and restoration!
Located online and in-person at the Grand Junction Convention Center in Downtown Grand Junction, CO - February 23-25, 2022. Connect with others in your field who are managing or studying riparian lands and stream environments and discover novel techniques, scientific findings, and lessons learned that make restoration successful.
A Hybrid Conference:
This year's conference will take place in a hybrid format, with the option to attend in person or virtually. Whether you’ll join us in person or on-screen, we're excited to welcome you as we "Learn from the last 20 years and plan for the next".
COVID-19 Policy:
Due to COVID-19, we are implementing changes to the in-person conference to provide for the safety of our participants, such as:
Masks will be required while indoors unless actively eating or drinking.
Spacing and location of seating, posters, sponsor tables, and evening events will accommodate current CDC, state, and local recommendations.
For those who are unable to travel, our conference will also be offered virtually.
Who attends the Riparian Restoration Conference?
Over 200 river restoration professionals, including but not limited to: land managers, scientists, non-profit organizations, watershed groups, private landowners, consultants, students, river enthusiasts, biologists, you!
Considering the occasion, we have worked hard to bring you an incredible lineup and a refreshed conference experience:
Agenda at a glance
February 23rd
- Climate Change From 4,583 Feet
- Adapting Your Goals & Tactics to Climate Change
- Plant Materials
- Poster Session & Happy Hour - 1st beer on us!
February 24th
- Diverse Stakeholder Engagement & Stewardship
- Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems
- Meeting Social, Economic, & Ecological Goals Through Partnering with Conservation Corps
- Hydrology & Plant Response
- Workshops and Field Trips (see below for more info)
- Happy Hour at Ramblebine Brewing Company -15% of proceeds will be donated to RiversEdge West
Workshops and Field Trips - February 24th
Workshops and field trips on the second day of our three-day conference include:
- Riparian Restoration Best Practices Training
- Navigating the Infrastructure Bill for Riparian Restoration Projects
- Southwest Willow Flycatcher, Tamarisk Leaf Beetle & Tamarisk Habitat
- The Evolution of a River Corridor
- Palisade Insectary Tour
- Southwest Willow Flycatcher, Tamarisk Leaf Beetle & Tamarisk Habitat
- The Evolution of a River Corridor
- Palisade Insectary Tour
February 25th
- Connecting The Upper & Lower Watershed
- On-The-Ground Lessons Learned & Techniques
- Riparian Restoration in a Warming World
- Focusing on Fish: Connecting Riparian Zones, Flows, and Instream Habitat
- Science, Technology, & Monitoring
- 20/20 Perspective
Hear What Past Attendees Have to Say...
“RiversEdge West puts together a topnotch conference that attracts a wide range of relevant restoration presenters who are doing important work. Having the opportunity to not only hear from the experts but to actually interact with them between sessions is invaluable. If you are involved in riparian restoration in any capacity you need to clear your calendar to make room to attend this conference!"
“The Riparian Restoration Conference is one of the most informative and useful conferences I have ever attended in my career in that it brings together scientists, resource managers, and practitioners with ample opportunity to share and discuss information, goals, and methods across a broad range of relevant topics.”
“It is just inspirational and invigorating being around so many people doing similar work. It was especially helpful meeting people who work in similar organizations but in different places.”
“[The Conference] provides a broad range of information and new research that is applicable to a variety of audiences including private landowners.”

In-Person Ticket:
(before 1/23/2022)
(after 1/23/2022)
Members (15% discount for members
who give $120 and above)
$284 |
$305 |
Non-Member |
$330 |
$355 |
Student |
$80 |
$100 |
One Day |
$220 |
$245 |
Exhibitor - Business |
$585 |
$610 |
Exhibitor - Nonprofit |
$435 |
$460 |
Virtual Ticket:
(before 1/23/2021)
(after 1/23/2021)
Members (15% discount for members
who give $120 and above)
$110 |
$136 |
Non-Member |
$130 |
$160 |
Student |
$40 |
$60 |
Deadline Extended!
Share your work and present your poster at our 20th Annual Riparian Restoration Conference! Poster abstracts are now due February 18, 2022.
Email your abstract(s) in a Word Document to by January 1st following the abstract template provided above.
Our poster boards can accommodate posters that are 47"x40" or smaller.
Nominate a peer or organization for our Annual First President's Award!
The First President’s Award is given in honor of Pete Larson, the Tamarisk Coalition’s (now RiversEdge West) first Board President. Pete was recognized by his community for his unflagging dedication to science and the stewardship of our natural environment. He was also an educator and influenced countless youth as a high school teacher. His vision helped drive RiversEdge West and restoration in the West.
Nominate a peer or organization that demonstrates an equivalent level of commitment through their work, education, and/or research by filling out this nomination form. All of the nominees will be included in a presentation during the RiversEdge West 2022 Conference.
Please submit this nomination form as well as a picture of the nominee to Kate Hampson: by February 16th, 2022.
Continuing education credits are available!
The Wildlife Society:
The Wildlife Society will allow a maximum of 14.5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in Category I of the Certified Wildlife Biologist® Renewal/Professional Development Certificate Program for participation in 2022 Riparian Restoration Conference. Applicants need to log their completed hours on their Renewal application or their Professional Development Certificate application.
Society of American Foresters:
Attendees are eligible to receive up to 16.5 CFE Category 1 credits. Please contact John ( if you are interested in receiving SAF credits for attending any of the sessions.
Partner with us at the leading riparian restoration conference in the West by becoming a conference sponsor!
Why Sponsor?
Our attendees are taking a leading role in restoring riparian ecosystems and are an important audience for your organization’s message. Along with increased visibility, additional sponsor benefits include complimentary registration(s) and exhibit space.
Ask us about additional benefits for title sponsors and refer to the sponsor packet for more information.
Your contribution will directly support all aspects of the conference - from scholarships for students and networking events to the cost of facility rental and meals.
To become a sponsor, simply make your contribution here - we'll take care of the rest!
Or, mail in a check, or contact Cara Kukuraitis, Conference Coordinator, at (970) 256-7400 or
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 1907
Grand Junction, CO 81502
Attn: Cara Kukuraitis
Join us as an exhibitor! Your presence as an exhibitor increases your visibility at the 2022 Conference and provides the opportunity to interact with 200+ restoration-minded professionals from across the West; from land managers and researchers, to landowners, non-profits, agencies, and private individuals.
Exhibit Hall Perks
One conference registration is included per exhibit table—Includes access to all food, presentations, and networking events
One 6’ table with a tablecloth and two chairs
Complimentary list of attendees (contact information excluded)
Recognition on and via the conference app.
Promotion in REW social media postings before, during, and after the conference
One conference registration is included per exhibit table—Includes access to all food, presentations, and networking events
One 6’ table with a tablecloth and two chairs
Complimentary list of attendees (contact information excluded)
Recognition on and via the conference app.
Promotion in REW social media postings before, during, and after the conference
See pricing above for exhibitor rates or learn more here.
A room block has been reserved at two hotels in Historic Downtown Grand Junction at the GSA rate of $96/night (pending any price changes in October). Breakfast buffet, internet access, exercise room, newspaper, pool/spa is complimentary at both hotels.
1) Springhill Suites by Marriott - use code REWREWA or REWREWB when booking
2) Hampton Inn - use code REW when booking
Booking information will be provided soon. Please ask for the RiversEdge West rate when making your reservation.
The deadline to reserve your room in the discounted room block is January 22, 2022.
Thanks to the generosity of conference sponsors, a limited number of scholarships are available to cover the cost of registration.
Preference will be given to students, private landowners, and employees of nonprofit organizations. Scholarship recipients are required to volunteer a portion of their time during the conference to assist with a variety of conference-related tasks.
To apply, view and complete the scholarship application before December 17, 2021.
R I V E R C H A M P I O N S P O N S O R S /// $5,000 +
River Champion sponsors receive three conference registrations, a booth in the Exhibit Hall, and prominent recognition in conference materials and in the online conference app

C O T T O N W O O D S P O N S O R S /// $2,500 +
Cottonwood sponsors receive two conference registrations, a booth in the Exhibit Hall, and prominent recognition in conference materials and in the online conference app

W I L L O W S P O N S O R S /// $1,000+
Willow sponsors receive one conference registration and recognition in conference materials

S E E D L I N G S P O N S O R /// $500+
Seedling sponsors receive recognition in conference materials


View from the Colorado National Monument in Grand Junction, CO