Riparian Assessments and Best Management Practices with Agriculturalists along the Lower Animas River   Alyssa Richmond1*, Melissa May2   1San Juan Watershed Group, Aztec, New Mexico, United States of America; 2San Jua

2018 Dolores River Restoration Partnership Annual Report 

Bioengineering practices provide resiliency for streambanks, enhance wildlife habitat, enhance organic matter inputs to streams, improve water quality, increase floodplain roughness, and heighten landscape aesthetics so important to countless residents, visitors, and businesses.
This guidebook provides a practical synthesis of the best available science for using beaver to improve ecosystem functions. If you are a restoration practitioner, land manager, landowner, restoration funder, project developer, regulator, or other interested cooperators, this guidebook is for you. The overall goal of this document is to provide an accessible, useful resource for those involved in using beaver to restore streams, floodplains, wetlands, and riparian ecosystems.
  Prepared by the RiversEdge West (formerly Tamarisk Coalition) in 2008, this document addresses options for the control, biomass reduction, and revegetation management components. All currently available technologies have been evaluated; however, not all are applicable for a given river location. Tamarisk is the focus of this document’s control component because it is the principle non-native phreatophyte in western watersheds.
Section B of Australian RevegetationTechniques outlines the different techniques available to direct seed or plant seedlings. Natural regeneration, mechanical and hand methods are covered. Section B will also assist you to choose the technique or techniques most suitable for your site and purposes.