Expanding our Knowledge on the Mitochondrial Genomes of the Tamarisk Leaf Beetles, Diorhabda spp.
Results of 17 years of monitoring at the Los Lunas Habitat Restoration Site, New Mexico   Rebecca Siegle1, David Moore1*, and Tori Barron1*
   Engaging the Whole Community in Restoration: Considerations for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Outdoor Stewardship   David Fulton-Beale1, Jackie Curry2   1Wildlands Restoration Volunteers, Longmont, Colorado, USA, david@wlrv.org  2Wildlands Restoration Volunteers, Longmont, Colorado, USA,
  Pine Gulch Fire Impacts and the Work that Goes into Suppression, Repair, and Restoration   Kevin Hyatt1, Erin Kowalski1, and Marlin Deras1   1 Bureau of Land Management
      Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change at Watershed Scales   Chris Sturm1   1 Colorado Water Conservation Board     Recent studies by the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) suggest a potential increase in short-duration rainfall intensity of 5-15% in Colorado.
    Visualizing Community Input for Yampa River Management Planning
    Cover of Tamarix Covaries With Regional and Local Environmental Factors To Explain The Functional Composition Of Riparian Plant Communities  
  Mapping Perceived Social Values of Riparian Ecosystems: Case Study in Southeastern Arizona, USA  
    Rivers as Economic Engines  
  Unlocking Private Capital to Finance Natural Infrastructure for Healthy Ecosystems and Resilient Communities
    Testing Methods to Improve Monitoring of Riparian Habitat Restoration Performance at Multiple Scales   
    Freshwater Ecosystems and Climate Change Adaptation  
  Strategies, Tools, and Methodologies for Effective Regional-scale Climate Adaptation
    Observed and Projected Climate Changes in the Western and Southwestern United States
  Fire Preparedness and Post Fire Reclamation within JMR-Colorado River State Park
  Climate Services for Climate-Adapted Stream Restoration   Sarah LeRoy1
    Restoration Economies: Tools for Valuing and Financing Restoration
    Expanding the Southeast Aquatic Barrier Prioritization Tool:  Assessing Aquatic Fragmentation in the Western United States   Kat Hoenke1*, Jessica Graham2, Brendan Ward3