Gathering Information on the Future of Snow and Water for Adaptation Planning on National Forests   Charles Luce1   1US Forest Service &nbsp
A Score of Changes and More in Store   Dave Kanzer1   1Colorado River District
Stream Management Plans in Colorado: Progress at 5 Years   Nicole Seltzer1, Stacy Beaugh2, Kim Lennberg3   1River Network, Oak Creek, CO, USA;
The History and Future of Biocontrol in Riparian Areas, the 20/20 Perspective   Dan Bean1, Tom Dudley2   1Colorado Department of Agriculture, Palisade Insectary, Palisade,
Home and Garden: Transplanted Cottonwood Trees Show Plasticity In Leaf Hyperspectral Reflectance Across An Environmental Gradient   Jaclyn PM Corbin1,2, Rebecca J Best2,3, Hillary F Cooper2,3
Tools for Restoration Feasibility Planning at the Lower San Pedro Wildlife Area (LSPRWA): Vegetation and Soil Assessment, LiDAR Data, Groundwater-Surface Water Model   Monisha Banerjee1, Chad McKenna2, Mike Milczarek3, Laurel Lacher4, Bob Prucha5, C
Automated Soil and Groundwater Monitoring to Support Adaptive Management of Actively Managed Riparian Restoration Area   Lindsey Bunting1*, Monisha Banerjee2, James Knowles3, Mike Milczarek4
Comparison of Actual Evapotranspiration Estimates Using Two Methods of Vegetation-Indexed and Energy-Balanced Over Riparian Zones: A Case Study of Colorado River Delta   Neda Abbasi1,2*, Hamideh Nouri3, Pamela Nagler4*, Sattar Chavoshi Borujeni5,6, Kamel Didan7, Armando Barr
Trends in Evapotranspiration and Drought in a Dozen Riparian Restoration Sites in the Colorado River Delta in Mexico   Pamela Nagler1*, Ibrahima Sall2,3
  Hobble Creek Delta Restoration 15 Years Later: Larvae, Leaves, and Lessons Learned Melissa Stamp1*, Keith Lawrence2*, David Lee2, Josee Seamons2, Sar
Effective Conservation and Restoration of Desert Riverscapes Must Include Conservation of In-Stream Flows: What can we learn from a Case Study from the White River, Utah   Casey Pennock1*,
Riparian Land Cover Classification to Guide Conservation and Restoration of the Lower White River, Utah William W.
Native Fish Need a Natural Flow Regime, Not More Water Development (No Duh)   Phaedra Budy3,1,2, Casey A. Pennock*1,2, William W. Macfarlane1,2, Matthew J. Breen3, Justin Jimenez4, and John C.
Tradeoffs Between Leaf Thermoregulation and Hydraulic Safety in Warm-Versus Cool-adapted Ecotypes in the Foundation Tree Species Populus fremontii   Kevin Hultine1, Davis E Blasini2, Dan F Koepke3, Madeline E Moran4  
Hydroclimatic Variables for Predicting Riparian Habitat Suitability   Brad Butterfield1,2, Emily Palmquist2,3   1Center for Ecosystem Science and Socie
Interaction of Tamarisk Legacy Soil and Climate Change on Fremont Cottonwood   Julia Hull1, Kevin Hultine2, Lisa Markovich3, Catherine Gehring4   1Nor
Provenance of a Riparian Shrub Changes Traits but Not Flood Response Under a Common Climatic Setting   Emily Palmquist1,2, Kiona Ogle3, Bradley Butterfield4, Thomas Whitham5, Patrick Shafroth6, Gerard Allan7