Seasonal variation in stomatal sensitivity to atmospheric aridity between native and non-native riparian tree species in the western US   Susan E. Bush1,2, Jessica S. Guo3, Kevin R.

Developing a Preliminary Classification Schema for Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems

Chad McKenna1, Milczarek, Mike2

The Upper San Pedro: Concerted Long-Term Measures to Preserve its Riparian Treasure David C.
  Challenges in mapping and evaluating groundwater dependent ecosystems in California Christian Braudrick1 and Bruce Orr1
The Cross Watershed Network (XWN) began as a regional network that connected watershed practitioners (practitioners) across watersheds in the Southwest U.S. through information sharing, collective capacity building, and collaboration. Members of the XWN Steering Committee wrote this case study to provide “lessons learned” for others who are setting up and implementing communities of practice and peer- learning networks.
  Assessment Of Russian Olive As An Ecogeomorphic Agent On The Powder River Antonio Reveles-Hernandez1*, Sharon Bywater-
Cottonwood Trees Vary in their Leaf Hydraulic Architecture Traits when Grown at the Extreme Hot Edge of their Range  
  Comparison of Russian Olive, Tamarisk, and Cottonwood Plant Traits with Implications for River Morphodynamic Trajectories  
Water Stress in Riparian Woodlands from Groundwater Decline and Climate Change –Ecosystem Indicators at Multiple Scales     John C. Stella1*, Jared Williams1, Christopher Kibler2, Melissa M.
An Innovative Partnership to Address Impacts from Colorado Legacy Mining:   The Colorado Abandoned Mine Collaboration

Tamarisk Beetle Monitoring: Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Diorhabda Carinulata Abundance and Tamarisk Defoliation in Grand County, Utah, 2007-2021

Using Ecological Connectivity as a Basis for the Watershed Integrity of Western US Waters